Does the language of ‘genocide’ enable or hinder a more humane world?

Home Genocide Does the language of ‘genocide’ enable or hinder a more humane world?

Does the language of ‘genocide’ enable or hinder a more humane world?


1 Comment

  1. You have summed well what has become a political element. The issues of related pieces of legislation and the capability to hold people accountable across international borders requires further understanding.

    Issues of genocide, as you note in prefaces to other social media, should come back to the crimes and the personal – perhaps this is the problem in terms of being able to personalise murder, current headlines across Anglo-North America and Europe on the New York killing of the insurance CEO yet, at the same time, deaths continue in so many places removed (sadly) from media headlines.

    The empty rhetoric, for it has become empty, of improving the efficiency of prosecutions, misses the manner impunity and lack of accountability has, seemingly (facts and hard data please) grown.

    Pervasive poverty and the manner people are condemned, condemned through a lack of systemic change, to existing rather than living a fulfilling life require further action – Action not by humanitarians counting lives saved but by a full on engagement regarding policy into practice causing impunity and the political shennigans to be lost to statespeople delivering on Rights Based programming.

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Mukesh Kapila

9 Dec, 2024


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