How to repair a country like Syria: Big aid can help but that too needs a reset

Home Aid How to repair a country like Syria: Big aid can help but that too needs a reset

How to repair a country like Syria: Big aid can help but that too needs a reset


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  1. Humanitarian or development aid is fragmented because it is structurally binding to respond first to order of its owner-the government, the private or any somebody-. Naturally, the money of country X must meet the aspiration of it population, regardless of the suffering of Syrians. This cannot be reproach as it is the right of the donating person or entity but explain why aid will continue to fail. So the solution in a perfect world could be among donors but who would expect them to put the interest of Syrian (in this case) above their national intSerest.
    So to reduce the impact of the fragmented international aid system is to help Syrian authorities at defining their genuine need well over the political lives of the present authorities and defining strategies to receive help from rival partners. This would require a consensus that impossible to reach as there are rivalries among aid entities and in country. An approach would be to sponsor a body of wise people in the country who would be in charge of monitoring and advising the government of Syria for the next 2 decades at least.
    A second would be to obtain a commitment for big donors to engage well beyond the 2-4 years of political mandate, especially in democratic entities. Any disaster impact for decades, Syrian situation is even more. For example, if would take two generation for being able to create a civic sense above todays rivalries.

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Mukesh Kapila

23 Dec, 2024


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